Bizarre Coincidence

It frustrates me that there is absolutely nothing happening to me that is worth even mentioning to anybody. I feel likes it's the same monotonous routine day after day: wake up, go to school, go home, 5 hours on the computer, shower, sleep. How doing so little can be so exhausting is beyond me. But of course, I've been using Blogger as a procrastination tool more than a writing-development tool lately. Let's be honest though, who doesn't? I have at least 3 applications that need to be finished by Friday and I just can't seem to bring myself to start. But enough talk about procrastination.

This afternoon, I was so deliriously bored on the internet that I decided to Google my username, turning up with some rather interesting results. The one link that excited me the most was my old blog that I kept for about a week last summer. Apparently, I was under the illusion that taking summer courses at a University would bring all sorts of exciting adventures. The strange part though, is that I actually LIKE some of what I wrote in those measly four entries:
"You spend your entire life preparing for something. You're born and they start preparing you to learn, you go to school they prepare you for high school, you go to high school they prepare you for college, you go to college they prepare you for a job, you go to work and they prepare you for retirement, you retire and you just sit back and realize that you didn't do crap. Honest to god, I do not want that fate, and I realize that there are people whose goal is just that: to live and let live, but I want to die laughing."
I mean what was I, some sort of life guru? I don't even remember writing half the stuff on that blog. That's not the best part though: at the end of one of the entries there was a section called the "Mental Tip of the Day":
"Mental Tip of the Day: Don't eat your sorrow away. Instead, watch a few good Youtube videos and pretend that internet celebrities are your personal friends."
I wasn't sure whether to be amused or scared, but that advice was just way too much of a coincidence. Did I mention that today was crap? Because it was. And so is this entry. Sorry about that.

Song: "Free Fallin'" by John Mayer
Awesome: Laying outside in the grass with the iPod on full volume to the Fratellis.
Notsome: 95% of my high school's population.

1 comment:

  1. I know how you feel, BE THANKFUL FOR THE DRY SPELLS. We forget how much we miss boredom when we're overworked.

    Also: CUTE BLOG. Oh my Gosh, I love it so so so so so much.
