Normality will be the death of me.

I've literally had this blog nagging at my head for the entire weekend. Well, I suppose THAT and the fact that I have to spend most of my precious time in a building packed to the brim with obnoxious teenagers and power-hungry teachers. I don't mean to sound like an annoying little downer with nothing but cynical thoughts in her head, but if the rest of the world made more effort into making itself presentable, then we wouldn't be in this situation.

As expected, the first day back brought the ineptitude of the school counselors along with it. My Journalism class* (that was supposed to be canceled), has now been moved to a portable on the other end of campus, with a permanent substitute who doesn't know a left leg about Journalism in the first place. I really do understand why our previous teacher quit his job, but I'd much rather be stuck in a Nutrition class than with a lousy teacher who doesn't know what she's doing. Not to mention how messed up my schedule is. No joke: I literally felt like going up to the Counseling Department, shoving the paper into their faces, and yelling like a madwoman. I have Sociology in the class where I was supposed to have a Sewing course, and I was put in Government AGAIN. Despite the countless times that I've waltzed myself into their office with a college transcript proving that I had already taken the course. Even the one class that I was looking forward to this semester went all bahoony on me: my British Literature course is no longer counting as a college credit class. I'll probably end up taking it as an AP course, but the frustration from all the hectic pile of rubbish just reached brink.

Aside from all of that mess, I experienced, for the first time in my life, the dreaded school cafeteria scene. You know the one. I spent most of the morning complaining about my classes to fellow counselor victims, and completely forgot about looking for somebody with the same lunch as me. The full front of the situation hit me right before I picked up my tray. Don't get me wrong, I have absolutely no problem sitting by myself. I'm an individualized person by nature, but sitting by yourself isn't usually an option in an over-crowded school. I must have stood there for a good 5 minutes before my friend Yermaine (who is now a ginger) found me with a much-relieved look on her face. No doubt she was in the same pickle I was in.

I'm so tired of highschool. But I honestly don't feel prepared for college. I mean, I'm almost finished with my Senior year and I don't know a SINGLE thing about driving.

I'm screwed.

Awesome: HOOVER IS BLOGGING AGAIN! 'nuff said.

1 comment:

  1. aww, hope school gets better, first days back are always horrible!
